Nowadays, this �naturalness� has been largely lost, and so we become ill. Meanwhile,
we are living in a limited time with
very limited thinking. We live far away from
eternity or
unlimited abilities of thinking: we do not live in the
universal world of the soul � very
disturbing! But we do in fact have a soul, and fundamentally
we can learn to live in the
of this soul.
People report that this
universal world of the soul is like heaven. But most people in our times
do not even take any notice of their soul � they do
not have any experience with it: they are
not even aware of their soul � although this would be the most natural and easiest thing in the
world. It even goes so far that nowadays career-conscious neuro-scientists deny the existence
of the soul in the context of their
first three main states of consciousness, as well as with
the help of only three developed main states of consciousness of the people they examined.
But this is quite understandable, because only after
breaking through the absolute mental sound barrier of such scientists of our civilised world could those
cosmic worlds open up to them, which epistemologically as well as empirically
leads to the universal world of
our soul.
I can only say that all great classical composers � and we have many of these testimonies, which have been recorded word-for-word � always
drew from this universal field of life: from the cosmic world of the soul.
From here, from the world of the soul, they drew their music, and wrote it down, here they listened to the music, and that is why this music is so harmonious and touches the soul so effectively.
So if we
know this world of our soul, and
learn to
live in it, if all our
inner organs of knowledge and
creation, our
mind and our
neuro-physiology and our body learn to
live with the soul in harmony, we will be in much better health.
That is why we use
Medical Resonance Therapy Music® and/or the
harmony laws of nature caught in it as a tool to
teach people to get to
know their self, their
intellect, their
feeling, their
mind and their
senses, and finally also their
soul � just as you personally get to know other people.
This is the place of our future activities. This approach seems to me to be important both for
medicine and
education. That is why, from next year on, we will be publishing
educational programs, which, to an increased extent, will be devoted to the education of the aforementioned inner cosmic human powers.
At universities, they teach young people �mathematics� � or more precise: what is still left of mathematics.
Originally, mathematics were something entirely different from what is nowadays taught at universities and even worse at schools.
Pythagoras, who created the term �mathematics�, also bestowed a meaning on it � just as he gave the word �cosmos� that significance it essentially no longer has.