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Basic Law of the Academy

The Cosmic
Education Programm

Introduction to the University of the Future

Peter Hübner
Developer of the University


Faculty of

Leading Thoughts

Logical Path - Theory

Logical Path -Practice

Scientific Research


Theoretical Fundamentals

Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics



Medical Music
Preparations on CD

Astronomy of Mind EQ x IQ

Hall of Harmony

International Experts

Educational Program

Scientific Research

International Media

International Congresses


Application to the University



Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

Mathematicians nowadays almost only teach how to use mathematics successfully in business and/or also in another science, which pays service to business.
For Pythagoras, mathematics equally had to do with feeling and mind, had to do with our breath, and generally the aspect of naturalness – all this has been lost: until now, anyway. If we begin again to comprehend that life is a miracle, that health in the end is something completely natural, that life needs no outside medical manipulation – if it is only led in a natural way –, then we have taken a whole step further in the direction of a life in peace and fulfilment.

When we observe a river flowing, we see that it takes the direction from a mountain to the ocean, and that for this it only uses the laws of least resistance, and gravitation. In this way, it very easily find its direction to the ocean.

If somebody asks me: “Can you show me the way to the ocean?”, then I say to him: “Only get in to the river – the river will guide you to the ocean!” But what do most people do? They start to make great efforts to get to the ocean, but they do not know the direction. Only the river knows the direction, as this is its natural direction, according to the laws of least resistance and gravitation.

So if I lie in the river, doing nothing at all, this is the safest method to reach the ocean.
If I do something in addition, it is less safe, and if I do a lot more, it is even less safe. So – the safest method to get to the ocean is: to do nothing.

The same applies with regard to nature. When we learn to do nothing special – not to try desperately to do something special – but simply to live naturally, we can live most effectively and successfully – and as far as life is concerned: safest.
Medical Resonance Therapy Music® and/or the harmony laws of nature are therefore also a tool to teach this practical and useful truth, because within the laws of nature of the microcosm of music and/or nature, the river of life flows quite naturally.

From my point of view, stress is only the outer expression of that state where the soul has lost its natural position of power in our total organism of personality, and we have thus holistically lost the naturalness of our life-style. And if this state refers to many people, we call this an epidemic.

When the soul in the individual person – which is a most conscious institution – finds out that it has no chance of a better “more dignified” life: for life conditions fit for human beings, then through the self, the intellect, feeling, mind and senses as well as breath, the soul gives the instruction to destroy that organism of physiology, which is only a prison for all these inner human powers mentioned, anyway.
And so the inner human powers under co-ordination of the soul through the neuro-physiology gives the body’s total organism the instruction to destroy itself.

Metamorphoses No 2