“Just like thousands
get married out of love,
and this love reveals itself
not even once in these thousands,
although they all pursue
the craft of love,
so thousands
carry on with music,
but do not find its revelation.”

And the state in which you are able to perceive at least occasionally beyond space and time with your power of cognition without falling asleep is called “transcendental consciousness” or “pure consciousness”, according to the authentic experience, because in this state of cognition or perception of pure consciousness the thinking and the world do not exist for the cognizant person - although the ability of cosmic cognition beyond space and time does exist, which means cognition beyond thinking, beyond creation and thus, at the beginning of creation.

Here one can - though only after a period of successful practice - recognize when and how creation seemingly begins and, consequently, how it seemingly ends, and one can recognize by one’s own experience that one’s own power of cognition is able to exist totally independent of whether the creation exists or not.
Only a man with such a developed power of cognition is able to recognize and will recognize himself as cosmic.

Here he also discovers authentically that, at least with his conscious power of cognition, he is subjectively able to exist beyond space and time , thus, that he is immortal, an experience that is quite a relief for many, after all. However, very soon he will also notice that this is just the beginning of an interesting life.

And when he looks ahead, he looks away from creation and leaves creation behind – however, only within his power of cognition, and not with his neurophysiology, which he leaves behind in creation; this, at least, is his subjective feeling or experience, while objectively his body remains in creation.

When I said earlier that most of the scientists of our present modern time, if not all of them, do not know what they are saying, when they say, for instance, that the world does not exist and that it is only an illusion, then the one who has learned - due to favorable circumstances or also through a special training including favorable circumstances - to take up his position of cosmic cognition beyond time and space and who then makes the authentic experience at this location, this person then knows which of their claims are true and which aren’t.

And when the simple person may experience with joy that he can credibly confirm in very simple words from his very own, authentic experience that which the scientist utters by complicatedly beating around the bush and blindly parroting the statements of greater, brighter scholars or because of speculations, this scientist not infrequently feels terrified by such a truly competent person, because he rightfully feels himself bared in his ignorance and inexperience as if viewed through a mental-emotional X-ray machine.

Part 2

Modern neuroscience has found an interdependence of mind and neurophysiology. Scientists have even gone so far as to postulate that the mind, or thinking, is a function of the brain, or of the neurophysiological processes of the brain or in the brain.

This I would agree with, considering under what circumstances these research results came about and what kind of people were investigated: people in the first three states of consciousness investigated by people in the first three states of consciousness – the researchers.

Apart from the fact that the researchers haven’t noticed that what they found to be valid for the brain also pertains to the entire body: the fact that man thinks within the entire body and even beyond – far beyond –, their finding is valid only for people in the first three states of consciousness. Of the 21 states of consciousness that could be investigated, this is only one seventh or about 14 percent.

We can safely assume that the research results will be different in each further state of consciousness and that the investigations will frequently will also lead to opposite results.

I do not want to categorically dismiss with this the interdependence of mind or thinking and neurophysiology, because for the first three states of consciousness this is certainly valid – as could be proven.

But already the described first experience beyond space and time in the fourth state of consciousness, the so-called „transcendental consciousness,” reveals to us something completely different.

As long as one can fall into deep sleep, or has to fall into deep sleep, there can be of course, because of the objective dependence, no inner subjective independence from the neurophysiological conditions. But the transformation of deep sleep into a state of cosmic alertness is capable of uncoupling the inner power of cognition and the awareness of one’s own existence from the neurophysiological processes. And only in this way is it possible to empirically distinguish quite clearly between “beyond space and time” and “within space and time”.

Initially this still turns out to be a bit difficult because the ability of cosmic cognition requires a systematic, successful, competent training and schooling.
This systematic training then also marks the path between the fourth and the fifth states of consciousness – between the so-called transcendental or pure consciousness and cosmic consciousness.

Once one has reached transcendental consciousness, one is already glad and happy to have arrived with one’s ability of perception in the transcendence and/or in nothingness at all, like “in the hereafter”, and to have left the entire world behind – with it having disappeared for the time being in transcendental consciousness; having literally dissolved into nothingness – into that nothingness from where then allegedly the so-called “Big-Bang” is to unfold.

But at first the person existing in transcendental consciousness does not yet experience anything of this, because he has put this entire outer cosmic “hype” behind him.

Therefore additional training of the ability of cosmic cognition is required to by and by experience both the absolute Now beyond space and time and the unfolding of creation within space and time and/or beyond space and time – depending on the point of view of the authentically cognizant beholder.

Depending on which point of view he predominantly takes, the subjective impressions of “within” and “beyond” interchange; beginning with the relative process of cognition and systematically- logically leading to the ability of cosmic cognition, which Socrates and Plato call dialectics - he naturally sees the transcendence lying at the foot or the basis of creation as “beyond.”

Once he has arrived with his power of cognition at the sphere beyond space and time, however, as Mozart describes this so well, he will then see with this cosmically unfolded power of cognition the world and/or creation as well as the development process of creation and also of his thinking as being from “beyond”.

To sustain this state of a cosmic capacity of cognition, to sustain, in other words, cosmic consciousness, a basic improvement in the quality of thinking and, correspondingly, of all neurophysiological functions are required.
Certainly, the modern neuroscientist with all his up-to-date research results should be able to easily comprehend this ascertainment.

However, once the ability of cosmic cognition has been developed or stabilized, once the so-called transcendental consciousness is sustained in all three states of consciousness for good, and once deep sleep has been overcome or disengaged and replaced by transcendental consciousness or cosmic alertness, then the so-called cosmic consciousness has been reached – that consciousness in which we have the perpetual ability of cosmic cognition and intellectual alertness and which even does not get lost in deep sleep; then the neurophysiological functions as well as the mental processes have gained a qualitatively higher, more differentiated and at the same more integrated or, simply said, a better functional state that is necessary to allow a stable capability of cosmic cognition.
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